Between not being home and cleaning the apt I did nothing else! Boo. But here are the pencils.
Poor Four. I think he's more upset about the Jelly Babies than anything else. Alex is so careless with things that aren't his.

I mentioned before that Four was surprisingly easy for me to do...but I failed to mention that his stupid hand was not. I didn't have a lot of trouble with it, but I did struggle some. Older man hands are not something I draw often as I usually use my own hand as a model when I need it...but slim girl hands might have been a little out of place on Tom XD
Alex was next hardest, this being the third full version of him, and the first two were both redrawn at least twice. Don't ask me how since I can draw him in my sleep.
Also, scarf. I draw scarves a lot, so the wrappy parts were no issue, but I originally had the thing filling up most of the neg space. As you can now see, it isn't. I might add it back in PS in a separate layer that I can play with, or leave it out and "endless". We'll see. The Who fabric shipped, so I gots to get this thing done.
And the worst? The Tardis. OMG this is why I don't draw anything with straight edges!! I had to break out a ruler, which if you know me, tells a lot. I avoid them like some kind of extra nasty plague. I like natural lines, not straight ones, and even if I have "straight" surfaces in my art I usually just wing it. Damn Tardis almost killed me. PLUS I realized that I was drawing the Matt Smith Tardis and had to find pics of the Tom Baker Tardis so I could draw the right one. WHO KNEW?!?!? It still won't be right, because I plan on making it 11 blue. SUE ME. I like that blue.
On another note, someone was looking at my art of Alex the other day and said it didn't look like me.
Maybe because Alex is blond, fictional and A GUY?! I am none of those things.
And as Alex is not me nor I him, I am not sure why we should look alike.
Also a friend was surprised at how evil he looks in this drawing. He kinda is, so I didn't get it. Then I realized I didn't go crazy with the eyelashes like I usually do, which softens his normal evils, making it look less so. That was probably it. Yeah. It's not like his fangs aren't hanging out all over the place in half my drawings of him.