It started out as a way for me to do Nanowrimo without the writing. Too much writing, too little drawing and I become Jack Torrance.
I decided to practice before the actual event, just to see if I could even do a page a day, since the normal way I do comics I can barely do a page a week, and found that not only I can do it, I really enjoy it.
So we have Raw, named for the unfinished, exposed-ness of the art.
Raw is basically a conversation between two of the main characters in Forgotten Children (Alex and Isis) that takes place on their second meeting. Nothing crazy, or special, but it's something that I would have liked to do in the actual continuity, but won't have time or room and it's about a year later than this in FC anyway.
I'm using blue, grey and black for Raw, in a variety of mediums, mostly pen/ink, marker and colored pencil. There might be other stuff too, but those are the main things I've been using.
I plan on seeing it to the end, and when it's over, I'll probably do more. Maybe not one right after the other, but I've often wished I could get some other stories out there, and this might be the way to do it...
Raw page 1 Here
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