With page 11!
Which is actually today's page!
Tomorrow's page is finished too, and Friday's....not even started!!
Drawing Alex as a child is...weird. I don't usually do it. He's so little!! He'll get littler. I'm going backwards. I've done some research over the years of what children, especially boys, wore in the 1800's. I've come up with pretty much what I expected lol AND some funness I didn't expect. Like boys dressed like girls for years until they were about 9 or 10!! Who knew?! All this time when I put Alex in dresses I doing it right. I'm totally embellishing the wardrobe btw. IF/when I get to the adults in this thing they'll be doing a steampunkish style that I can make up as I go along so I don't have to worry about accuracies so much. I don't really care tbh. I just want to draw what I want to draw, which is Alex in dresses and striped stockings. He's cutes dressed like that.
Other stuff...
The original concept of
Boo I drew a million years ago. He hasn't changed much...
and as he "grows"
These are concept sketches, I'm not sure how he'll look finished, but I better figure it out cause I think he'll be in the next page D:
**Just a quick not on Boo. He's
not a child. He's not human and he has no gender. None at all. He's a thing. I call him a "he" because it's easy, and because he "grows" using Alex as a model, so in some ways they're similar.
Alex - both as an adult and a child. That's the first sketch I did of him around that age. I've drawn him younger, but not around 8-10.
D: D: D:
Rocky does not want me to work. RAWR. Ebil cat is ebil.