I decided to practice for November (because I have nothing better to do lol). In the last four days I've done four pages of a story I'm calling Raw as a working title. Maybe I'll officially name it when it's finished.
It's not going to be some big intricate story (hopefully) and I have no idea what I'm going to do from day to day....it actually started with a doodle I turned into a panel and then kept going.
I'm using a non-photo blue pencil to lay it out, then I've been going over the pencil with pen in blue and black, then coloring with markers and other stuff, all in blue, grey and black.
I'm trying really hard to just let it go and not fix any mistakes...so far I've been good, and only one panel has really been edited...but not til the fourth page. other than that only the text was added digitally.
Raw: Page 1
If you follow my DA page, this is kind of a prequel to Forgotten Children. Or if not a prequel, it would be some time before FC, David and Alex have only just started working with the local law agency.
I really like that drawing of David, looking over his shoulder.
This is page one, but it's the second page I did...Hopefully they get better than this...
I'm pretty happy with what I've gotten so far, it's not awful, and being forced not to constantly correct all of my mistakes means I've got either get it right off the bat or deal with it. The fourth page has a horrible panel >.< But it's there now!
I plan on doing a page a day til this little story is done. It's not too exciting (so far), mostly just chatting over coffee ;)
Character development is my friend. And look at all the practice I'm getting! :D
Alex, David, Elizabeth, Forgotten Children/Raw and all of it's characters are © me.