Oh this page...
I almost threw it away and started over. The first, third and last panels - I messed them up so bad!! I kind of managed to fix things...I really like Alex's hand holding the cup. It looks so much better than it did. His shirt is still massively bad. The chibi panel sucks...and Chibis are my favorite so that's sad.
The first panel isn't as awful as it was, but still the worst of Isis. Ugh.
It's done though! Yay!
I'm not sure about the thought balloons. I generally hate when people overuse transparent balloons, so I didn't want to do it at all, but I couldn't think of anything else! I might try squares next time, but it's what I usually use for Alex's thoughts so I didn't want to do that either. :\
I'll figure something out.
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