No words. Done completely in my sketchbook, no editing, erasing or any kind of correcting (save for a minute color correct, just so the color shows...straight out of my scanner a lot of blue gets lost). This was actually the first page I did...that top panel started out life as a random Alex doodle (of which about a billion and three exist) and became a panel...which then became a page. Sort of.
Alex has the attention span of a gnat. He gets bored easily and tends to wander off. Which is why he requires a "babysitter"....
I wish my greys weren't so...extreme. I have a pale grey and dark grey...I need an inbetween. I need more blue too. Or I'll just start using other shades of blue. I try later on...Don't know how much I like though.
OMG My handwriting....it's so bad D:
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