LOOKIT HER! I have tried so hard to get her to work with her new character...when I say new I mean new as of years ago. This is not Isis as she was originally conceived foreverago, but how I think she really would be. If that makes sense.
This is pretty much it. I mean, it's rough, since that's the point of the whole exercise...but that's her. If I get nothing else out of this page-a-day thing, I am relearning how to draw women (slowly) and figuring out one of my main characters, which is a little important since she's due to show up any minute in the main series. In all I think I'm happier with this page than any of the others. If only because of her...and possibly because Alex looks super-cute in that second panel XD
I wish he'd smile more...lol
I'm doing all my lettering in PS, which actually means the pages aren't getting finished in one day since I don't scan them the day they're finished...but it's close enough. I am fairly confident I will be able to keep up a page a day for an extended time...but now I'm committed to this stupid thing, and have no choice but to finish it!! NO CHOICE!! XD
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